4 Ways a Person’s Eyes Can Make You a Psychic

At the University of Vermont, scientist have found a correlation between people with light colored eyes and alcoholism. Recently published in the American Journal of Medical Genetics, a controlled study showed that people with light eyes were more likely to demonstrate signs of alcohol dependency.

Blue eyes, specifically, had the highest risk out of all of the lightly colored eyes. Coincidentally, genes that control eye color are located on the same chromosome as those that control the dependency on alcohol. Scientist say that correlation does not pinpoint causation, but the connection between the two has sparked a light in the medical world.

Eyes have been said to be the key to the soul, whether that is true or not, no one knows. But eyes do send signals to let other people know how a person is feeling and what they are thinking.

Here are four ways a person’s eyes can make you something of a psychic:

4 Ways a Person’s Eyes Can Make You a Psychic - Clapway

1. Pupil Dilation Equals Happy Fornication

I’m sure you’ve heard that if you look into someone’s eyes and their pupils dilate, they are either interested in you or something you’re talking about. Either way, you’ve captured the attention of the hot guy you want to pounce on. You know he is interested in you so make the first move. Checking for pupil dilation will make you a psychic for sure.

2. Don’t Look Into the Eyes of the Devil

If someone is keeping eye contact with you, throughout the entire conversation, everything they say may have been a lie. The person who is deliberately keeping eye contact is trying not to look suspicious, which backfires and makes them seem as if they are not telling the truth. Keeping eye contact may also be a sign of someone trying to intimidate you. Don’t let them. Now that you have become a psychic, use your powers to get the upper hand.

3. Don’t Blink to Much, You Might Give it Away

There is a reason bating your eye lashes is considered flirting. Blinking more than normal is a sign of liking someone. If you don’t want someone to know that you dream about them every night, control your blinking.

4. To the Left, to the Left

Use your new psychic abilities to know if everything someone is saying is complete bullsh*t. While a person is telling a story and their eyes look to the left, they are trying to remember something. If their eyes look to the right, they are making up the story as they go along. Utilize your psychic powers and call them out, in front of everyone. They will never look to the right again.

Picking up on eye signals can make you a psychic. What you do with your new gift is up to you. I suggest you take out your enemy and seduce your crush.


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