Foodies Can Now Post Photos on Google Maps

With a recently released update, Google Maps is adding another feature specifically geared towards foodies to allow them to post photos of their meals at restaurants with two quick taps. However, the feature is only available for Level 3 Local Guides, meaning if you want to post your food porn pics, you must be an active contributor to the rapidly expanding Google Maps.

An Ocean of Projects… What’s Else is In The Works at Google Maps?

Google Maps Allows Foodies to Post Photos Now

Google Maps is more than just a navigation app. The name Google Maps itself has become synonymous for finding both directions and a new restaurant. The treasure trove of features has expanded over the years to include restaurant reviews, booking reservations, avoiding traffic, and even seeing satellite images of any place in the world.

Night Time is the Right Time for this Google Maps Feature

But Google hasn’t stopped adding to the mix as it has now unveiled a new feature that allows people to snap pictures of their breakfast, lunch, and dinner and post it directly to the map. It’s a visual review of the restaurant rather than the written review, which we usually just skim. Besides, most of us end up just counting how many stars the place received. The feature comes much to the satisfaction of foodies everywhere who still mourn the loss of Google’s Tablescape, an experiment that allowed, well, pretty much the same thing. It appears Tablescape has led to something bigger and more integrated into Google services.

Only Local Guides at Level 3 or Above Can Snap Food Pics to Google Maps

If you want to be involved in having a lunchtime photoshoot of your most-beloved diner’s pastrami on rye or the delicious vegetable curry from your favorite hole-in-the-wall, you must meet some criteria first.

That’s right! Google doesn’t want just any person to post potentially scrumptious pictures of food porn. They want only connoisseurs of food to participate–at least for now.
So far, only Local Guides at Level 3 or above have access to this food photo feature. These lucky Level 3 guides have posted at least 50 reviews after signing up as a Local Guide, which probably does qualify them as knowing what is worthy and unworthy of being digitally captured and presented to the world via Google Maps.

Google Maps Not Just For Navigation as Foodographs Become a Thing Again

Google Maps likes to save us time. We can travel the world with Art Project, peeking into famous landmarks without flying out of our living room. We can also avoid the long stretches of traffic thanks to live updates, but it is now making it easier to quickly post our food pictures.

When the logged-in Local Guide takes a snapshot, an alert will notify them, asking if the picture should be posted onto the Maps food photos. With two clicks, the foodograph is added to the Maps without any inconvenience to the user, yet with much valuable information provided for everyone else using Google Maps.

Picture Credits to Pixabay

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