2 Ways To Hack FBI and DHS Websites

2 Ways To Hack FBI and DHS Websites Clapway

Just recently, a sixteen-year-old unnamed teenager was arrested for hacking FBI and DHS data. The teenager was finally arrested by British authorities, and also by the FBI. With this news leaking, this led to the idea of revealing a few ways to hack FBI and DHS websites. However, if you do this then you might end up like this teenager!

2 Ways To Hack FBI and DHS Websites Clapway


Using cross-site scripting is the first way to hack these websites, and here is what you do. Firstly, you are going to need to find a vulnerable site, and a message board would be a good example. You are going to need to post a comment on a site and find out if it is secure. Type in “<script>window.alert(“test”)</script>, and if an alert box pops up then you know the site is vulnerable. After this, you are going to need to upload your cookie catcher. This is going to allow you to receive a user’s cookies, and then you can access their account for websites with vulnerable logins. Now, you need to post with your cookie catcher and you need to make it non-suspicious. Make sure to type in the code that will capture their cookies, but be sure to put random text after it to reduce suspicion.


This next method is a little easier, but it also requires more patience. No, I didn’t just contradict myself, and here is why. First off, you need to find a vulnerable site. The best way to do this is to go to Google, and search for admin login.asp. When you do this, you will see a login screen and you must login as an admin, which will be the username. Here is where the patience comes in because finding the correct password can take some time. Many different strings, such as 1’or’1’=1, will work, but it still could take a while. As soon as this is done, you will have access to a website as long as it is vulnerable to an attack.