Evil UFO is Cruising around Georgia

Evil UFO is Cruising around Georgia Clapway

A confused witness in Forsyth County, Georgia has reported seeing a large, rectangular-shaped UFO ship, flying low over the city. At the moment, there is no indication that this alien object cruising around Georgia is evil or not, but hopefully, it does not judge all of the humanity based on this southern state.


According to this witness, the UFO was spotted years ago on November 4, 2013. The strange report was submitted on March 15, 2016. Why the long wait? Was the witness being blackmailed by and evil alien or did it simply take three years to fabricate this sad attempt at attention? Regardless of their motives, the witness said on that fateful night in 2013, he noticed a strange presence in the sky. The weather was mild and the sky was clear. Upon looking up, he says that part of the dark sky was darker than usual. A floating object seemed to be blocking the stars.


After studying the night sky for a while, the witness determined that the rectangular object was surely a UFO hovering in the air. The low flying object appeared to be close and about 300 feet long, 75 feet wide. How he got those measurements, we do not know. The craft traveled leisurely from north to south, with blue-white lights running along its underside. As the craft flew just above the George treeline, the witness became baffled and agitated, understandable. It’s been two years since the signing, and still the details are vivid. As one can imagine, a story you spent two years perfecting would probably include every detail. This concludes yet another report of a UFO without any  hard evidence.


A similar report was given by a witness from Delaware and had some striking similarities to our Georgian friend. The witness reported a black, square shaped object floating low in the sky. According to some members of the UFO community, these sightings should be taken very seriously. Square and cube shaped craft are said to be harbingers of evil. Apparently, that shape is a symbol of evil. Again, there seems to be a lack of evidence for any of these claims. Nevertheless, an army of evil square aliens just may be cruising around America. Our days are numbered.