UFO and Aliens Caught on Camera from Helicopter

UFO and Aliens Caught on Camera from Helicopter Clapway

The shocking number of alien UFO sightings on YouTube continues to grow. New alien UFO footage published May 6, 2016 by the channel, UFO Alien, shows aliens walking around their spacecraft. The footage also shows the alien spacecraft flying under a helicopter as the video was shot. Are these aliens real? Is the UFO real? It is most likely a hoax video with entertainment value for viewers. Or, maybe it is a real sighting and an alien invasion is just around the corner. The video also has footage of a few lighted orbs that float about to background voices and music. If aliens do exist, dropping in on Earth from time to time, why Montana?

Montana Rest Stop for Aliens

The opening footage of the recently published YouTube video gives viewers what they would typically hope to find. The UFO is the traditional saucer shape with all the bells, lights, and whistles. The aliens also fall into the stereotypical alien category. Long swinging arms, naked, with big eggplant shaped heads. The aliens even give a little wave before rocketing off the Earth’s surface. Then a helicopter tracks a similar saucer shaped UFO from above. The footage is indeed entertaining.

Reggae UFO Sightings

Toward the end of the new alien inspired video, it shows footage of a bright orb looking thing floating around. Reggae is clearly heard in the background with “Babylon” chants with clicking lighter sounds. Hmmm. This may explain the majority of the aliens spotted and uploaded to YouTube. Getting blazed on medicinal quality cannabis and hoping to capture alien life on camera seems like a rather pleasant way to spend an evening.

Real or Fake?

Putting the three words, alien, fake, and real together is in many ways a contradiction. But who knows, maybe there really are aliens and UFOs visiting Earth every so often. It would be a very interesting moment in history if aliens made themselves more transparent to everyone. Or they have, and we just ignored the signs. The most rational explanation for the flying saucer, friendly alien waving hello, and floating orbs in the night sky, is they are staged or fake. But the universe is pretty big, and very few of us Earthlings have been to space. Does space exist?
