Oculus Rift VR Supports Porn and Piracy; is Pedophilia Next?

VR GamingOculus Rift VR Supports Porn and Piracy; is Pedophilia Next Clapway

Last Friday Oculus Rift released a new update to block Revive. While their intention was to prevent one to port Rift games from Oculus onto HTC’s Vive headset, the move ended up opening the door to piracy. With VR porn already under way for Oculus it seems the device is headed in a sinful direction. What’s next? Virtual pedophilia?


Revive is a software that once allowed users to take Rift games they’d bought from the Oculus shop and put it on HTC’s Vive headset. To stop this, Oculus Rift released an update blocking Revive, however, the outcome was not what they hoped for. Not only did the Revive update allow users to port titles again, but it also bypassed Oculus Rift’s DRM in the process. This opens the doors for VR piracy. According to Revive developer, going the path of VR piracy is not something they wanted to do, however, they felt there was no other way. Piracy is not the first time Oculus has dabbled in a sinful “p” word. Porn is already well underway.


Piracy is still controversial for many today but if there’s one thing everyone can agree on, it’s porn. VR porn to be exact. Oculus Rift has made it quite clear that they intend to support VR porn. Not many seem to be objecting. Even the elderly citizens of our generation seem to have an open mind about the ordeal. To see something gain so much traction in the early stages of development demonstrates the public interest. Once pornography becomes more advanced, it will become a pillar of the entertainment industry. Whether it will inspire other controversial forms of pleasure, like pedophilia, to become popular is yet to be seen.


It seems that more people have become accepting of virtual pornography but how far will Oculus Rift go with turning sin into entertainment? Without at doubt, pedophilia is an unacceptable form of behavior. That being said, so was pornography years ago. It’s not likely that pedophilia will become accepted but as society becomes more open-minded, perhaps we will see a universal acceptance of both good and evil. Video games and pornography will likely dominate the virtual world. However, over time, we might see less popular genres make a name for themselves. Maybe pedophilia, bestiality, and other strange interests will be found on the virtual black market. The state of the industry is so young at this point that it’s hard to predict anything. It will be an interesting journey indeed.