Windows 10 RC Boat: 5 Things Making Microsoft Fans Happy

Windows 10 RC Boat: 5 Things Making Microsoft Fans Happy New ‘Apple Device’: iPhone, iPad and Macbook Merged Together  Clapway

If you are a Microsoft Windows fan and love remote controlled stuff, this DIY project is for you. Imagine controlling your RC boat via Windows phone or laptop. Sounds pretty f**king amazing, right? Well, adjust your pants, because the Windows 10 IoT Core Hydroflyer is water ready. This at home build is perfect for novice to advanced tech nuts with Microsoft at heart.

Put Your Microsoft Windows Hacking Skills to the Test

There are a lot of DIY projects out there offering simple solutions or single use devices. This RC boat build, however, will provide you with hours of RC speedboat excitement. This at home build will also test your skills. It is an intermediate build with a bit of Microsoft  hacking involved.

Phone and Laptop Compatible

The Windows 10 IoT Core Hydroflyer build may be slightly challenging, but combines smart device compatibility more fun than a traditional controller. The RC boat DIY project will allow you complete control using your smartphone. And there are also source code libraries for Windows based OS application as well. You will feel like a tech boss speeding circles around those “other” RC boaters in the water.

Great Combination of Apps and Services

The combination of Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 and Windows 10 IoT Core software is enough to make DIY fans satiated. This at home build also uses open-source Arduino IDE software for easy coding and uploading.

Cost vs. Value

This DIY build may be a bit costly, but the value is in the RC Hydroflyer “like a boss” status you will receive. The hardware parts you will need for a successful build are numerous. This project may take up an entire weekend and you might shell out a few hundred bucks. However, the value of challenge and fun is priceless.

Awesome Communication and Sensors

The Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Core Hydroflyer at home build offers a variety of communication features and sensors. The ESP8266 ESP-01 communication link will compliment water resistant wiring, an HMC5883L 3-axis digital compass, and a uBlox Neo 6m 9600 baud GPS system. All the tech you could ever want in a single build.