First Invisible Airplane Revealed in America

First Invisible Airplane Revealed in America Clapway

The realms of science fiction and reality are starting to merge with America’s revolutionary new stealth technology. The X-86b, as it’s called, is the world’s first truly invisible airplane according to the U.S Airforce.


As with most major military operations, America has decided to keep the details of this invisible airplane classified. What has been confirmed however is that is will use a technology call dark-emitting diodes (DEDs) to make the craft invisible to the naked eye. DEDs consist of a small chip with a P/N junction paired to an embedded quantum vacuum cavity. It may sound like the technology of the future but DEDs have actually been around for three decades. Until now, their use has been limited to just a handful of small applications. Rumors have long circulated that DEDs would someday make an invisible airplane and now, those rumors have come to fruition.


For a project so classified, many might wonder why America is making this information public to the world. Well, it turns out that may not have been the original plan. The invisible jet technology was confirmed by Pentagon officials just before a poorly-organized press conference with the projects’ contractor. Due to lack of communication, the contractor, YoYo-Dyne, prematurely announced the DED jet technology. America was planning on releasing this information to the world the following month but plans had changed. This leads one to believe what else the government may be hiding.


According to a recent YouTube video, there is evidence that the TR-3B government spacecraft exists. UFO hunters claim the invisible airplane has been flying above America since 1994. Due to its stealth nature, clear footage has never been taken. If this recent sighting is, in fact, real, it will be the highest quality footage ever recorded of the top secret TR-3B. This invisible airplane allegedly has a polymer skin that allows it to change reflectiveness and even shape to the human eye. Of course, the government denies its existence entirely, however, frequent sightings and claims from scientists suggest otherwise.