Coca-Cola Dissolved Man To Death

Ten Ways To Die Without Regret (Part 1) Coca-Cola Dissolved Man To Death Clapway

Coca-Cola killed man after his compulsive disorder made him drink up to three liters per day. This is not the only sad fizzy drink inspired story out there. Coca-Cola, its effects on the human body has actually been covered in several news stories, research models, and academic journals. Why is Coca-Cola so bad for you? It has a lot to do with the high amounts of sugars and artificial sweeteners. As well as some other unknown ingredients. Some fun facts that may stop you from drinking the stuff. You can clean a car engine with it, police use it to clean blood from cement, and it is used in Indian farmers to exterminate pests.

Coca-Cola Kills From Inside Out

Coca-Cola may have killed a man who drank a lot of it. British police said that a 30-year old man with Asperger’s syndrome died after drinking too much of the iconic American beverage. The man smoked up to 20 cigarettes per hour and drank up to three liters of coke per day due to his compulsions. This may have led to his lungs swelling to four times their normal size. Ultimately causing pulmonary edema. The condition that doctors and police believe killed him. Now, drinking three liters of coke is probably not what you do, but a single can of Coca-Cola could come with health risks.

What Happens After You Drink Coke

Coca-Cola is delicious. Most of us have craved it as a child, and it was probably the centerpiece of every birthday party or event you have ever been to. However, one can of the stuff could have an impact on your immediate and long-term health. Ten minutes after drinking a can of coke, ten teaspoons of sugar attack your body. After 20 minutes, your insulin level will spike, and your liver will make loads of sugar into fat. Within 40 minutes you are on a sugar high. Your pupils dilate and your blood pressure rises. And after 45 minutes, the coke in your system acts like heroine, releasing loads of dopamine in your system. Heroin?

Coke Destroys Things

There are a few YouTube videos out there that show the true powerful harming affects of Coca-Cola. Especially on tech equipment. A video posted by TechRax shows guys taking a swim in a giant swimming pool filled with coke. Unfortunately, their drone gets caught in the sweet syrupy goodness and drowns. It never turns on again, and is destroyed. Another YouTube video posted by As Seen On Social Media dispels a few Coca-Cola rumors by trying do dissolve a steak with coke. The steak doesn’t dissolve.