Scientists: Aliens Are Smart Because They Don’t Have Hair

Scientists: Aliens Are Smart Because They Don’t Have Hair Clapway

Scientists may have found the genetic link between humans and aliens. It could be in our hair. Evolution may have made us the smartest species on Earth. Not because of the size of our brains, but because of our hairless nature. And if you think about aliens and their advanced tech, they too lack hair. The images of most aliens are hairless discolored bodies with large heads and big black eyes. This depiction could be quite accurate if you focus on their unique intelligence. Scientists believe we are smart because of our hairlessness, so why not our space neighbors?

Scientists, Charles Darwin, Apes, and aliens; our lack of hair may be a sign of our intelligence

Compared to other mammals on Earth, humans have less hair and more intelligence. And scientists think our lack of hair may have something to do with our brains. Charles Darwin believed we came from primates, such as apes or chimps. And he also suggested humans lost hair due to sexual preferences. Other evolution-minded researchers don’t think so, since the lack of hair would need to be in place to develop a sexual preference for it. Who is right?

Being hairless should have held humans and aliens back, but scientists changed their minds

Scientists and Darwin would agree hairless humans would have been negative when looked at in evolutionary terms. Hair is essentially a coat that protects animals from the elements and dangers of Earth. There must have been something to cause hair to start disappearing? It is similar to the erect posture of humans. Standing up and walking should have been disastrous for humans. It exposed our most vital organs. However, humans continue to thrive and continue to be very innovative. And so do aliens.

Aliens are humans from the future visiting Earth to observe and warn us; scientists and officials know

Many believers suggest that aliens are simply future humans traveling through space and time to send present day humans messages. This theory, of course, is a strange one, but would make sense if you compare our hairless similarities. They may have even evolved further, shedding all hair, ethnicity, and gender. These new traits could explain their advanced intelligence and tech.