Microbes Under Melting Glaciers Threaten Earth

For years, global warming has been a topic of discussion, hanging over our heads like a raincloud. Instead of delightful showers filling the world with life, nature is seemingly falling apart. Melting glaciers, which are thawing in the arctic, are causing polar bears to struggle for survival. Worst yet, the soil underneath is filled with carbon dioxide.

Unfortunately, there’s no extensive plan to treat global warming and consequently, Earth will become hotter and hotter as time goes on; the carbon dioxide only threatens to make the issue even more severe. Why is carbon dioxide such a problem? The more CO2 that is released by microbes, the warmer it gets. This is very bad news for a planet that is already struggling with its temperature.

The Effect Of Melting Glaciers

Microbes exist within the permafrost, or the residue left in the soil after the ice melts. After eating this residue, the microbes begin to release carbon dioxide, which gives rise to a vicious cycle. Temperature rises from the CO2 will cause more melting glaciers, thereby resulting in more permafrost to feed the microbes.
In order to combat the issue, Secretary of State, John F. Kerry, is teaming up with the Arctic Council, an eight-nation committee comprised of Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States. More than 190 people are expected to help out with this crisis; Kerry, specifically, is opening up the matter to a forum in order to let people discuss and give their opinions on this issue. By utilizing this strategy, Kerry hopes to provide a voice to the public, especially to those who want to combat global warming but are not in the position to do so.

Nature is such a precious thing that the world has to offer. Global warming and melting glaciers, unfortunately, are threats that continue to threaten the future of the Earth. Get a glimpse of the wonders of nature in this film:
