Make Your Space Obsessed Dad Feel Special On Father’s Day


It’s Father’s Day! A day made to show your dad, step-dad, adopted dad, surrogate dad, and pretty much any father figure how much you care. You contemplate for weeks and try to figure out what you should do for the guy that has given you everything. Should you cook him breakfast and buy him some new tools? Should you surprise him with tickets to see his favorite sports team? You definitely shouldn’t be basic and get him a tie or ugly socks. You should take an interest in his interest. Is your dad into asteroids, planetary alignments, and NASA? Here are some ways to make your space obsessed dad feel special on Father’s Day.

Listen To Him

The first path you can take on your mission to make your space obsessed dad feel special is the listening route. Ask your dad to teach you something new. He will be so happy you asked and his entire day will be made. Even if you already know everything he is about to tell you, pretend like you care, because he makes an effort to care what you have to say everyday.

Talk To Him

Look up from your tablet, phone, kindle, or whatever else you have your unappreciative little hands on and talk to your dad. Instead of asking your space obsessed dad to teach you something, spark up a conversation with him because you are just as space obsessed as he is. Share a meal under the stars and chat about the endless possibilities outer space has to offer. Gain a new respect for your old man and soak up the much needed bonding time.

Netflix Marathon

If talking to your dad is just not your thing, then maybe you should enjoy the universally loved Netflix marathon. Binge watch your dad’s favorite TV show with him. Whether it’s Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, or some other space adventure show, pop some popcorn and spend the night invested in one of your dad’s most-liked programs. He will be glad you did and ,who knows, maybe you will actually like the show.

This Father’s Day, make your space obsessed dad feel like the unique, smart, zany, and brilliant guy that he is. Remember that he taught you to always be yourself no matter what anyone says. Laugh a little when you remember how he basically did your science projects for you in middle school. Smile because you know he would do anything for you. Love him more because he is the best day is the world.


Impress your Dad this Father’s Day with an A.I. music-playing device, MUSIO!: