3 Things You Could Accomplish If You Were in Space For 803 Days

A new record was set for the most time spent in space by a human being. Russian cosmonaut, Gennady Padalka, has spent a total of 803 days in space. Padalka is currently on his fifth trip into space and once he returns, on September 11, he will have spent 877 days in space.

During his time in outer space, he conducted experiments and went on numerous space walks. His days spent in space were not consecutive but envision what you could do in solitude for two years and four months, uninterrupted. Here are three things you could accomplish if you were in space for 803 days:

1. Practice Eccentric Skills

You will have so much free time to practice cool things you wouldn’t be able to do with the force of gravity surrounding you. You can become a Mortal Kombat character and work on your bicycle kicks. You can move on from your kiddie cartwheels and progress to full on back flips. And if you are one of those disgusting people that want to try to catching their spit in their mouth, you can do that too. But I don’t recommend it.

2. Catch Up On Your Reading

I don’t know about you, but I love reading. I’ve spent entire weekends doing nothing but drowning myself in a good book. Recently, I’ve been too busy to sit and read, or do anything fun, so I would jump at the chance to catch up on my favorite romance novel. You could teach yourself a new language and come back to earth more intelligent than you left. If I were in space for 803 days, reading would definitely be at the top of my list.

3. Self-Reflection

Being alone in space takes peace and quiet to a whole different level, I would suspect. The time you have secluded, without distractions can be used for self-reflection. You can learn new things about yourself and appreciate the characteristics you considered flaws. A lot of people don’t get the chance to reflect but with your time in space, you have a ton of chances.

In reality, you may never get the chance for complete isolation but you should definitely take a step back from the world. Continue to develop your skills and learn something new everyday. And when you think you’ve run out of things to learn, just think, what could I accomplish if I were in space for 803 days?


Definitely bring a notebook with you on this long, isolated journey. Moleskine has one for this very occasion: