4 Crazy Facts About the Massive Goliath Grouper

It’s no surprise that thisĀ grouper got the name it did

We all know the story of David and Goliath. A young, daring boy stands up to a giant king, and with quick thinking and maybe a little luck, the boy strikes a stone between the giant’s eyes. Down goes the giant, and David eventually becomes king.

The story has tropes that are found in many other stories, including the Odyssey, when Odysseus blinds the cyclops.
These heroes of old were brave and clever, but what would you do if you ran across a giant of your own?
Here are four cool Goliath Grouper facts:

Tropical Giants

If you live near a coral reef, you may be lucky enough to spot one of these massive tropical groupers. They live close to shore, often around docks and corals, and can reach a massive 800 pounds and 8 feet long! Recent records show adults living to be around 50 years old, but I found a Goliath Grouper fact that shows about 20% live to be 100 or older.

They Can Swallow Prey Their Own Size

Normally, the Goliath Grouper eats smaller fish, and chews on the occasional crustacean. But when they are hungry, you may not want to be in the water. A video of a Goliath went viral when it surprised anglers by swallowing a shark. The video is pretty impressive, and if a Goliath can hunt young sharks, I wonder what else it can swallow.

Top Dog

This Goliath Grouper fact makes a lot of sense based on its size. These bad boys are the apex of the food chain, and help maintain a healthy and thriving environment. They’ve been seen gulping up the invasive lion fish, keeping their numbers down. When the Goliath Grouper was being overfished, the coral ecosystem began missing an important piece of the puzzle. Now that they are protected, they are coming back on top. And if they can swallow a young shark, I’d say they’re doing a good job of being apex predators.

Gender Bender

No, they aren’t hermaphrodites. But they also don’t adhere to gender roles. This Goliath Grouper fact is particularly cool because, as the grouper gets older, it changes genders. Born female, they later transform themselves into males. Theories are that this practice developed when the male population was dwindling, and there weren’t enough men to go around. Females began to step up to the plate, and once they change genders, there is no turning back.


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