Top 5 Coolest Psychic Abilities You Wish You Had

We have all seen what psychics can do. They can see the future and move things with their minds. But those are the basic psychic abilities you see all the time in movies and on television. Psychic powers go way beyond that. Here are the top five coolest psychic abilities you wish you had.

1. Aerokinesis: the power to manipulate air molecules
2. Pyrokinesis: the power to create and control fire.
3. Hydrokinesis: the ability to control water.

4. Astral Projection: an out of body experience that allows the person to travel outside of their physical body.

5. Cryokinesis: the ability to slow down molecules to alter temperature to the point of freezing.

Which psychic abilities would you like to have? What would be included in your top five psychic powers?

You may not have psychic powers, but with Sun Lifelight you can control natural light: