Racism Technology 101, by Donald Trump

Donald Trump is More Outdated than Furbies (And He Kind of Looks Like One, Too)

The Muslim populace in the USA has gone from thousands to the millions with time, but it seems they don’t deserve the respect of Donald Trump. Earlier this week, a public meeting discussing the building of a new Islamic center in Spotsylvania, Virginia erupted in anger when a man started shouting that Muslims belonged to a ‘wicked cult’ and that they were all terrorists. He was applauded.

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And Now, Donald Trump Says He’d Shut Down Mosques

Donald Trump, Republican presidential canditate has declared that he would strongly consider shutting down mosques, require muslims to be entered into a database and carry special IDs. Now, doesn’t that sound a bit like the late 1930s in Germany? Just saying.

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This Kind of Thinking Should Not Sit on the Presidential Seat

After the Paris attacks of November 13, Donald Trump went to twitter to tell the world that ‘WE NEED A BIG AND BEAUTIFUL WALL’ to the internet, referring to the bought of Syrian refugees that are looking for asylum from, in case he doesn’t know, the exact people behind the Paris attacks. Not even France is rejecting Syrian refugees, but it seems the United States is too good for even that.

For someone who made his career out of construction, it’s bold of Donald Trump to suggest bringing down mosques. There are surely other ways to deal with the threat of ISIS, which is to Islam what the KKK is to Christianity, and find common ground with the Middle East, who is suffering just as badly at the hands of terrorism.
