Sony has Now Confirmed: PS2 Emulation Coming to PS4

Sony couldn’t let Microsoft get the better of them could they? Fresh off the heals of Microsoft announcing backwards compatibility for their Xbox One console, Sony has now announced that the PS4 will bring PS2 emulation to it. In other words, PS2 games will soon be able to be played on the PS4.


Emulators can be thought of as digital copies of old school video games. Emulators are already available in the world today and they are meant to be used to play games that are not available on modern consoles. They are mostly popular on PC’s at the moment, but Sony is looking to change that. Sony has stated that they want to bring PS2 emulation to the PS4, so they can bring the PS2 games forward to the current generation. According to Sony, they are testing the technology as we speak, but they have not noted any news on when it will be ready. This could also lead to Sony bringing PS1 games to the PS4 if this becomes popular. There is no coincidence that Sony decided to do this directly after Microsoft announced there news of backwards compatibility.

Sony’s decision to bring PS2 games, via emulation, to the PS4 is a brilliant decision when it is considered how extremely popular the PS2 was in its day. According to statistics, the PS2 has actually sold more units than any other video game console ever has. In other words, the PS2 is the most widespread console known to man. Now with PS2 games heading there way to the PS4, the PS4’s popularity may continue to get even greater.


This should be absolutely amazing news for any true Sony fan because the PS2 is one of the greatest video game consoles of all-time. Not only will this be a nostalgia rush for people who knew how cool it was to be playing Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter, God of War, Sly Cooper, etc. back in the day, but it will also give new fans a taste on just how good the PS2 really was. The only thing that awaits now is for Sony to announce when this will be happening. Sony has already told us it will be happening, but when is the burning question now.