5 Scientific Facts you Didn’t Know About Sperm

5 Scientific Facts you Didn’t Know About Sperm Clapway

When students attend a school, they will eventually learn what the word sperm means. Everyone will one day be aware of this term, but there are also several aspects of it that, most likely, remain unknown to you.


Sperm is something that was actually discovered a long, long time ago. Way back in 1677, a Dutch microscope maker decided to place his semen under his microscope. It was then that he found a bunch of sperm swimming around.


You might be surprised on just how long sperm sticks around. It can actually continue to live in your body for up to five whole days. This is important to know just in case you have unprotected sex. If after a couple of days you think you are in the clear, because you are not pregnant, then you might want to think again.


This next fact is a little awkward, to be honest. The taste of a man’s semen depends on his diet. So, if he eats a lot of red meat and onions, then his semen will not taste good. However, if he eats a lot of fruits and vegetables, then it will taste fine. I told you this fact was awkward!


Usually, people will assume that semen and sperm are the same. However, this is a false assumption. The latter is actually just an ingredient in the semen while the semen is all of the liquid that is ejaculated from the penis.


Would it shock you if I told you that you can actually be allergic to sperm? The good news is you will not develop a life-threatening illness, but you can still be allergic to it. This happens when your body reacts to a certain protein inside of it. So, the next time you tell a guy your allergic to his sperm, he can’t get mad at you!

Sperm Clapway