Top 5 worst Ecological Disasters, Chernobyl is One of Them

Top 5 worst Ecological Disasters, Chernobyl is One of Them Clapway

The world has seen many horrific Ecological disasters throughout time. Chernobyl may be the worst of them all, and if it is not then it sure is close.


One of the worst oil spills in history took place in 1989. It has been dubbed The Exxon Valdez oil spill, and it was a tragic event where around 11 to 38 million US gallons of crude oil was spilled. The oil tanker, named Exxon Valdez, collided with the Prince William Sounds’ Bligh Reef and then disaster struck.


Continuing our list at number two is The Three Mile Island accident that took place in Pennsylvania. In this tragic event, the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generation Station saw one of its reactor’s meltdown.


There was another oil spill that took place, and this one is more recent. Beginning in 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded and a sea-floor oil gusher started to flow. This oil gusher was flowing for an unbelievable 87 days, and then it was finally capped off in July of 2010. However, the damage was done and many called it the worst accidental marine oil spill in history.


One of the largest oil spills in history was The Gulf War oil spill. This spill, which resulted because of The Gulf War in 1991, was reported by Baghad as starting by American air strikes.


Our list concludes with the most devastating Ecological disaster in history. It is simply known as the Chernobyl disaster, and it was very ugly. The International Nuclear Event Scale recorded this nuclear power plant accident as a level 7. This made it the one of only two events to get a score that high. Over 500,000 workers were affected by the Chernobyl disaster, and many others in the area suffered severe fatalities.

Chernobyl Clapway