2 Reasons Why Volkswagen Should Copy Tesla

2 Reasons Why Volkswagen Should Copy Tesla Clapway

It is completely unknown if Volkswagen will ever recover from their diesel scandal. For those of you who are unaware, this car company illegally released around 600,000 diesel vehicles. The illegal part was that these cars emitted 40 times over the legal limit of pollution. Their reputation has taken a huge hit since then, but they might be able to climb out of their hole after all. If they did something as crazy as copying Tesla, then maybe they could start heading in the right direction again. There are a few reasons why they should do this, and they actually may have no choice.

2 Reasons Why Volkswagen Should Copy Tesla Clapway


To put it simply, Volkswagen is going to need to copy Tesla because they were asked to by U.S authorities. They have asked them to produce electric vehicles to make up for their diesel scandal. As a matter of fact, they are currently in talks with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to strike up a deal. To make matters worse, or better depending on your perspective, they are also being asked to help build charging stations in the United States. Volkswagen majorly screwed up with their scandal, and they owe it to everyone to do this.


Electric vehicles are good for mother nature, and I think she would appreciate if Volkswagen came to this agreement. Tesla is terrific at making these kinds of vehicles, and they make the world a cleaner place. Besides the benefit of nature, Volkswagen needs to copy Tesla to basically admit they were wrong. Sure, they can go out in public and express their apologies, but they need to do it with their actions. It will be interesting to see if they do this and if they don’t then they are going to take further criticism.