How To Make $1000 on Youtube Cutting Vegetables for 4 minutes

How To Make $1000 on Youtube Cutting Vegetables for 4 minutes Clapway

It seems ridiculous but it is possible to do the very thing this title says. One can make a four-minute video of cutting vegetables, dissecting candy or simply just staring at the bottom of an expired lima bean can. Not to say that the quality of the content on Youtube matters, it does, but there is a certain science behind making money online.

How To Make $1000 on Youtube Cutting Vegetables for 4 minutes Clapway


The CPM Metric. The key to all your woes. What is it you ask? Well, it’s a way to make  money. Technically, it’s a way to make the advertisers even more money, but you can generate a little bit from the process too. In layman’s terms, CPM is how much money one would make off of 1,000 unique views. With the Youtube ad rate at $2 per 1,000 views, then that means a $2 CPM.


Seriously, put up your video of cats licking your grandma and watch the money flow like the waters of the mighty Mississippi. What’s that you say? You only got 3,000 views? Well that’ six dollars right there. Far from the promised $1000. Well, the fact is that these things take time. You can either grind it out like all those other Youtube celebs, or you can find another way.


There is another way to monetize your content online. However, it’s a path that advertisers would rather you not take. Simply ask for the money. Many people thing that they have to put their content on sites like YouTube in order to get discovered. This is under the assumption that people won’t pay for it if there are millions of other free options on the internet. Well, look at it this way. YouTube is free. Torrents are free (albeit it illegal) and a wealth of another free content is out there. Yet, people still pay for services like Netflix and Hulu. Even just giving them the option to pay is better than nothing. You could be quite surprised at what people are willing to pay for. So chop your vegetables, direct your chocolate, lick your cats and watch as legions of fans pay for it.