The short answer to this question is yes, astronauts are excited. Heck, everyone is excited about SpaceX these days. Especially about their latest endeavour: delivering a futuristic inflatable space room.
Bigelow Aerospace has developed a futuristic pop-up pod. The pod blows up to the size of a small bedroom. At the moment, it’s just serving as a trial to see if the unit can withstand the harsh conditions of space. Bigelow hopes to launch the real deal in four years in order to start colonies on the Moon and maybe even Mars. Astronauts on the ISS won’t actually be living in it during this trial period, but they will be examining how it holds up through various tests and data collections. SpaceX gets the honor of delivering the experiment with their Falcon 9 rocket.
The highly anticipated Falcon 9 rocket lifted off on Friday, April 8th. It’s been a while since SpaceX last delivered anything to the ISS, just about a year in fact. The last attempt was in June but a failed launch halted any cargo flights. If delivering materials to the ISS wasn’t cool enough, SpaceX took it a step further by landing the Falcon 9 on a droid barge in the Atlantic Ocean. This has previously never been done and it’s a huge accomplishment towards their reusability efforts. The futuristic possibility of getting humans off of Earth is looking more and more probable.
Since it looks like Earth’s climate is only getting worse, it’s due time to examine the futuristic idea of moving humans to another planet. It’s really the next logical step from here. Will SpaceX have a hand in the matter? The possibility is still far off, but if Bigelow’s inflatable habitat proves to be a success, mankind living somewhere else will likely happen.Besides the delivery of the BEAM, a wealth of biological experiments will be delivered. Included will be 20 mice for a muscle study, lettuce and cabbage plans for both research and a tasty meal as well as some others. Space habitats are no longer a futuristic dream of crazy sci-fi authors. Perhaps you’ll be visiting your great-grandson at his Moon flat sooner than you think.