Tesla Rockets With Laser Engines: 5 Reasons NASA Fans are Happy

Tesla Rockets With Laser Engines: 5 Reasons NASA Fans are Happy Clapway

Maybe NASA has finally admitted defeat. In an effort to open tech up and give private space innovators a crack at space, NASA has released 56 patents to the public. NASA patents like Moon Dust Fuel and Laser Engines are now available. Entrepreneurs looking to develop the next SpaceX or Tesla could find them valuable. The government space agency also renovated their website. Allowing the public to access their list of public patents with ease. They may have alternative motives as well. Hoping to inspire space tech that they simply don’t have the budget for. As a government agency, they may be able to seize said space tech in the name of public safety. We may see Tesla laser engine rockets soon as well.

NASA Innovation for at Home Scientists

The 56 patents NASA made public are surely making space fans happy. Now they can get their hands on blueprints for at home projects. It may take an engineer with expertise to understand the designs. But it could bring new innovation to life. Tesla, Google, and Apple designers may find the public domain useful for future projects as well.

New Gaming Tech

The Multi-User Virtual Environment patent could offer gamers viewable vitals of other players on the same platform. This could add a new element to COD or Minecraft. The patent allows for viewable physiological metrics to be seen. Metrics like heart rate, brain activity, and body temperature. Gamers could develop a scoring system based on the data offered by the patent.

Tesla Electric Moon Dust Car

One patent of interest may put Tesla ahead of the electric car race. The Accelerator System and Method of Accelerating Particles patent was designed to utilize moon dust as fuel, or power. Instead of Tesla cars running on electric, they could run on moon dust. Or modified Earth dust. SpaceX could use this for its future Mars missions. A Mars passenger vehicle that runs on dust would be useful for the first manned missions.

Laser Engines for All

The Aerospace Laser Ignition-Ablation Variable High Precision Thruster patent could be useful as well. The at home engineer or scientist looking to take his or her go-cart game to the next level might love this one. It involves a combination of liquid and solid propulsion. This could be another great patent for the next generation of Tesla cars. But chances are, Tesla had this patent long ago, since NASA and SpaceX are in cahoots.

More UFO Tech for Conspiracy Theorists

There are a lot of NASA fans that believe in UFOs. The release of these patents could put some conspiracy theories to bed. But, also, spark a few new ones. Many UFO enthusiasts would argue that many of these patents are from aliens. More secrets to unveil.