YouTube to Destroy WhatsApp, Messenger; Google Fans Are Happy

YouTube to Destroy WhatsApp, Messenger; Google Fans Are Happy Clapway

Google fans and YouTube users may have a new reason to be happy. A YouTube native messaging feature on the app will now let users chat and share. Google launched the beta messenger app for Android and iOS recently, hoping users will stick around. Users can now interact with friends and like-minded YouTubers on a more inviting version of the app. This could be bad news for WhatsApp and Messenger. Users may find no need to bounce back and forth from app to app with the new chat and sharing function.

YouTube Chat Function

The mobile app will have chat functions that allow friends to message and share videos. The YouTube app chat function is still in the testing phase, but proves to have promise. The app won’t be wildly new. The feel and usability will be similar to messenger apps. Sharing videos and chatting in the discussion thread will have text capabilities that will rival WhatsApp and Messenger. There will also be emojis available to really emphasize your message. But the app will be without stickers and photo sharing.

Google Combining Two Markets

Google may be hoping to corner two markets by offering YouTubers a messenger function. They aim to keep users sharing videos, and messaging about those videos. Allowing friends to share videos on the app eliminates the need for users to copy and paste video links into WhatsApp or Messenger. Google put time into streamlining the process. Google may also boost time spent by users by joining two markets. One great feature the testing phase offers is the software sharing ability. If you have the new YouTube chat function, but your friend doesn’t, you can start up a chat or share a video and they will inherit the software instantly.

What’s Next for WhatsApp and Messenger?

Will YouTubers begin spending more time on YouTube and less on WhatsApp and Messenger? If sharing videos and chatting with friends can be accomplished in one app, there simply is no reason to copy links and get lost WhatsApp and Messenger any longer. But this is only Google’s theory. WhatsApp is launching a desktop app that may take most of the app bouncing out of the equation. WhatsApp also has a billion active users, which makes it the most powerful messaging app. The messenger may still be useful as well. Chances are most users will use all apps equally, since friends often use multiple platforms to communicate.