You may have thought about becoming a movie producer or director while showering once or twice. But let’s face it. Between cameras, audio equipment, and professional editing software, it is simply a dream. Well, not anymore. The new movie SCRATCH is pounding down the doors of the indie film industry. And it was shot using iPhone 6 cameras. The Apple iPhone filmed horror comedy SCRATCH may be just what the indie, art house doctor ordered. The cast and crew of the production have the film on the cloud. And they are looking for backers to finish the film in order to submit it to festivals around the world. There is even a fun movie trailer that is a bit wobbly. But still pretty good.
Shot With iPhone Tech
SCRATCH was filmed using two iPhone 6 smartphones. Apple fans can now put their next generation iPhones to artistic use. The film uses real found footage and shot in a real haunted location. SCRATCH is a self-proclaimed zany, art house, midnight movie. Maybe they should have waited for the iPhone 7, which is rumored to have DSLR camera quality.
Great Indie Horror Plot
There is nothing better than a good old fashion indie horror plot. SCRATCH is set in the abandon Los Angeles zoo. The zoo is rumored to be actually haunted. The movie is about two filmmakers who explore the park after being hired to shoot a music video using an iPhone strapped to their heads. There is obviously comedy involved.
Garage Startup Style Like Apple
The garage startup style SCRATCH has may make the movie more interesting. From the garage to the boardroom, Apple grew. Just like Apple, SCRATCH takes a similar route. With little money, an iPhone, and a dream, the film was born. It is an inspiration to the shower producers and directors out there with a dollar to their name and an iPhone.
Be Part of the Film
Backers that support the final stages of the film project will be able to become part of the actual film. Backers can get their hands on original storyboard artwork drawn by the director. And you could even get a VIP invitation to the premiere of the film with the cast and crew. Backers can also find their names and photos in the credits of the movie.
Become a Movie Producer Overnight
Pondering your future producer career in the shower can now become a reality. The most generous supporters of SCRATCH will get the producer credit for the film. Associate producer, co-producer, and executive producer credits are all up for grabs. This could also be on IMDB as well. This could make an Apple fan really happy.
What movie would you shoot with an iPhone?