YouTube Shows Real Sex Robot; Pornhub Fans Happy

YouTube Shows Real Sex Robot; Pornhub Fans Happy Clapway

Virtual sex robots in high demand as one company has to stop taking orders to catch up on manufacturing. This is a great problem to have. But what makes these sex robots so popular? Where would someone turn to find out more? YouTube of course. A recent video published on the David Pakman Show YouTube channel discusses the ins-and-outs of this steadily erecting industry. Would you have sex with a robot? Some of you may feel like you have, only without the robotic components. This could be a definite Pornhub user pleaser as VR porn becomes more popular.

VirtuaDolls Sex Controller for VR Porn

When you think about a porn robot, you may picture a robotic woman or man servicing your intimate needs. The VirtuaDolls is a bit different. It is a video game controller that allows you to get lubed up for your VR porn night. The VirtuaDolls controller users can now pound there way through their VR porn experience. A user literally has sex with the controller itself. It has interchangeable sleeves that are all 100 percent ISO certified skin safe silicone. There are six textures and eight colors to choose from. And of course they are American made. This is any Pornhub fans fantasy. And any ER doctors nightmare.

The Less Traditional Route on YouTube

If you are a bit apprehensive about sticking your shlong into a VR porn controller, you can go a more traditional route. Another Pornhub inspired YouTube video published by Adam Chu has a different type of sex robot. The YouTube video showcases a 140 cm artificial sex doll from WM Dolls. It is so realistic it is frightening. It is of course Asian, and it is a bit bizarre that the height is a factor for sex dolls. Not only does the WM Dolls full body doll have a full rack, but it also has a two-hole option for those anal fans. This YouTube video has more than 50 million views, which isn’t shocking.

What will Pornhub Fans Choose?

The VR porn industry is growing fast. Soon Pornhub will have VR porn at the ready for those who want to shoot a load into a silicone controller. The Pornhub fans who like the feel of a real woman, they can settle for a full body two-holed Asian sex toy with green eyes. The days of masturbating into a gym sock with a magazine in sweaty hand may be vintage. Those who prefer the Night Rider may find the full-size doll great for the morning car pool lane.