Several Alien Bases Found on Moon; NASA and Government Lying…

Several Alien Bases Found on Moon; NASA and Government Lying... Clapway

Giant alien pillars found near craters of the moon? UFO sightings, Mars, and now alien bases constructed on the moon may all be on the government secrets list. Or this all could be another example of alien enthusiasts looking for answers that may not be there at all. At the front lines of the NASA cover-ups is secureteam10, a YouTube channel dedicated to bringing extraterrestrials to life. There latest YouTube video showcases giant 200 foot alien structures. Which may, or may not, be the beginnings of an alien base. Or it could be China or Russia, since bot countries are planning lunar colonization.

New Alien Moon Pillars

If you are going to use Google Earth, you might as well look for alien bases on the moon. This has led to a recent discovery of five pillars constructed near a lunar crater. Tyler from secureteam10 recaps the Google Earth image. He notes that if you are not convinced of the massive lunar structures that inhabit the moon by the end of the video, you probably will never be a believer. The lunar pillar footage is a bit fuzzy and it really could be anything. However, it is an interesting idea to entertain.

NASA and Other Agency Proof

The rest of the video highlights photos taken by space agencies to further the argument for an alien moon base. One photo shown in the YouTube video is somewhat convincing. It was shown from a Russian probe showing a clear obelisk type tower. Another photo from the 1967 NASA Lunar Orbiter 3 shows a “tower” and “shard.” But it may resemble an explosion more than a tower. Maybe NASA, Russia, and China are testing space nukes. Are there more NASA secrets we don’t know about?

The Government Race for Lunar Colonization

Whether alien moon bases exist or not, really doesn’t matter. Because there will be human lunar bases soon enough. China landed a lunar rover in 2013, and the U.S. government kept tabs on it just to be safe. Or they aimed to cover-up their own government secrets. In 2019, China is also planning a soft landing on the dark side of the moon. Russia wants to construct a lunar greenhouse and lab. It will have 12 astronauts manning it for a year. Nuclear energy has been discussed as the power source. NASA with government backing has plans to return to the moon in 2020. The plan on landing a crew that would mean a mobile space base. Why is there such a government draw to the moon? Is it because it’s closer than Mars?