NASA finds mysterious hole on the sun, a hole that looks like a dark entrance to hell. The apocalyptic picture is not necessarily a sign that the end is near. NASA has said that the dark hell like hole could be quite useful. The mysterious hole captured on the sun is a coronal hole. NASA described the coronal hole as a low-density region of the sun’s atmosphere. Could there actually be an entrance to hell, or some dark and distant parallel universe on the sun’s surface? Maybe this region of the sun is the pathway to the actual biblical hell. This would make sense since people always say they see a bright light after dying.
NASA Has Interest in Hell Hole
Unlike most pictures of the sun with inviting bursts of fire, the coronal hole is dark and mysterious. This dark entrance to hell located on the upper half of the sun was captured by the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory between May 17 to 19. The coronal hole, also known as the cornea, is actually invisible to the human eye. They can only be seen using extreme ultraviolet light. These holes are important, according to NASA, since they help scientists understand the area around Earth better. This understanding allows the space agency to plan space travel more effectively in certain aspects.
The Sun Is Trying To Kill Us?
The NASA observatory that captured the new photo of hell’s entrance has been focused mainly on the sun. Its lens has been directed at the sun’s surface for six years. In February it captured a stunning timelapse of images that highlighted the annual changes the sun goes through. As beautiful as those photos were, however, the sun’s changes are in fact dangerous to us on Earth. Solar flares, solar wind, solar particle events, and coronal mass ejections are often flung into Earth’s general direction by the sun. There was actually a close call of dangerous space weather that nearly missed Earth a few years ago. And NASA has warned it could happen again within the next decade. These space storms cause power grid failure and other dangerous anomalies.
Aliens in the Hole
The sun’s coronal holes that look like dark entrances to hell may simply be solar weather and indigestion of the fiery sphere. But what if they were passages to a secret universe. Only NASA may be too scared to send anything worth millions of dollars into a burning solar hole. There may even be aliens waiting in those holes for us. There was footage earlier this year of an interesting UFO sighting. The footage showed a speeding UFO flying into one side of the sun, and coming out of the other. Could this be the work of one of the coronal holes?