Man Filmed Helicopter Chasing A Head Ship UFO; NASA knows

Man Filmed Helicopter Chasing A Head Ship UFO; NASA knows Clapway

A potential UFO was caught chasing a helicopter the other day. Normally, this would seem bizarre but seeing as helicopters have been caught transporting saucers in the past, it might not be so strange. Even NASA would agree on that one.


Judging by the video, it’s looks convincing that a UFO is, in fact, chasing, or following a helicopter in the air. That being said, it wouldn’t be a true UFO sighting if there weren’t a fair share of skeptics. Some believe the video looks edited, which is a possibility. With all the video editing technology available today, it would be all too easy to create a rendered image of an alien ship chasing a helicopter. UFO hunters would then ask how skeptics would explain past videos of a similar nature.


During the Syrian civil war, a military helicopter was caught on film transporting what looks like a flying saucer. Unlike the last video, this one doesn’t appear to be edited at all, although the quality is poor. Still, it seems there is a common relationship between alien spacecraft and military helicopters in the past few days. Some might think that transporting an object this classified in broad daylight is pure stupidity. However, this is NASA we’re talking about. They’ve taken the world for fools in the past. It looks like they might be continuing to do so.


NASA’s cover-up attempts are getting more juvenile by the day. UFO hunters are starting to pick up on their mistakes and it’s even turning some former alien deniers into believers. For example, blaming every ISS sighting on a lens flare is getting old after a while. Also, what about NASA saying their video “cut out” when it’s obvious they turned it off. Furthermore, how does NASA explain one released photo that was proven to be flipped upside down and inverted to confuse viewers? These tricks may have worked in the past, but with technology increasing, it’s getting easier to uncover their mistakes. It would be wise for them to admit their faults before it gets too ugly, but that’s not the American way.