Google Project Ara to Destroy Apple iPhone 7; What About Samsung Galaxy?

Google Project Ara to Destroy Apple iPhone 7; What About Samsung Galaxy Clapway

Some of the more ambitious skeptics out there believe Apple’s iPhone is nearing its end. With the wealth of high-quality competitors emerging on the market, it’s getting harder for Apple to remain on top. Of these competitors, it is not the Samsung that poses the biggest threat but instead, Google’s Project Ara.


Timing is everything they say, and Google is taking that advice to heart. The company’s ATAP division has announced they will release a real version of the Project ARA modular phone to developers this coming fall. That is coincidentally around the rumored time Apple looks to unleash their iPhone 7 onto the world. Consumers can expect to get their hands on it in 2017 and requests can be made now. What started out as just a cool idea for Google has begun to show some serious improvement. Apparently, more than 30 people within the organization are already using Ara phones as their primary device. Phone technology is now fully integrated into the Ara frame, but will it be enough to compete with the legendary Apple?


The easy answer to this question is yes, Apple should be worried about the future of their iPhone. It seems that Google’s Project Ara has hit the iPhone where it matters mosts. Customizability. Ever tried to customize an iPhone beyond changing wallpaper or the location of your apps? It can be done but the average consumer can not be bothered with jailbreaking and other forms of tech wizardry. Google has capitalized on that and created a fully modular phone. This will allow consumers to essentially build their device from the ground up. With a basic foundation, one can move wap about parts with six modular slots. Each one is generic meaning any module can be put in any slot. It might not be the prettiest looking device yet, but with time, Apple might want to re-evaluate themselves. Samsung might want to do the same as well.


Like everyone else, Samsung just wanted to take down Apple. They just wanted their time in the spotlight. Surely, they didn’t intend to become the next target. It seems that Samsung might be learning a big lesson in competition soon. They’ve been striving for the top and have now put themselves in the sights of up and coming competitors. Samsung is a threat to the little guys like this new modular phone and they will have to deal with the repercussions is such a concept explodes in popularity.