Youtube is Making Fun of Amazon

Youtube is Making Fun of Amazon Clapway

For the past decade or so, Amazon has been delivering one big success after another and becoming the most popular e-commerce giant out there. Furthermore, they’re dipping their toes into other ventures like entertainment, and smart home tech. However, the latest invention might be the most innovative of them all. Now, the “big-box store killer” is becoming a big-box store themselves. As you can imagine, YouTube had a few choice words on the matter.


Amazon’s newest, genius invention is a store. That’s right, a physical, building in which they sell products that one usually finds online. A recent Jimmy Kimmel YouTube video makes light of this situation. Kimmel hardly even has to try, since the situation is no naturally humorous. At one point, he says they should make a “Netflix” store where people can go pick up their favorite summer blockbusters to rent. In fact, they should even call it Blockbuster. See how ludicrous this all is in all is?

Amazon Prime Now More Exclusive: Will Shoppers Switch to Ebay? ClapwayYOUTUBE BRINGS UP A GOOD POINT ON AMAZON

While this Youtube video is ultimately rooted in humor, it brings up a good point. What the heck is Amazon thinking? The whole reason people shop online is for convenience. They don’t want to go outside, into the bright, scary world and buy an iPhone case or some alien book. They want it to be hand delivered to their front door. However, this idea is just crazy enough to work.


America loves stupid ideas. The country was founded on one. “Let’s rebel against the most powerful empire in the world and make our own country!” they said. A stupid idea? Yes, but it worked. The same thing is happening here. The E-commerce giant is going brick-and-mortar. Odds are, it will be better than competitors like Walmart. Thus, hammering the final nail in the coffin and putting the crown on Jeff Bezos himself. In theory, it’s a stupid idea but that never stopped America before.