Adele’s Manager and Music Streaming

Adele’s Manager and Music Streaming Clapway

Adele’s manager recently spoke out in defense of controversial music streaming services. Jonathan Dickins spoke in favor of the music application. On the final day of the Web Summit tech conference, which took place in Dublin, Ireland, Dickins said that streaming is the future…

Services like Spotify or Pandora may need to change some of their approaches to maintaining good relationships with artists. Though musicians will have to find ways to collaborate with the biggest streaming services.

Before finishing the panel, Dickins mentioned one more crucial point, the concept of keeping artists from being over saturated. In the manager’s opinion, this “cheapens” the artist’s brand. Jonathan is not afraid to say “NO” to Adele perfume ideas, “NO” to Adele nail polish offers, and “NO” to Adele deluxe albums for £4.99/each. The power of being able to say ‘no’ is the key to real success.