5 Small Items You Should Always Pack

Whether you are about to embark on an all-expenses paid vacation, or begin a budget trip across Europe, there are some items you should always include on your packing list. Here are five you won’t regret finding the space for:

1) A cloth laundry bag
Clothes get dirty even faster when you travel, and it’s important to separate your weather beaten, sand encrusted, or muddy laundry from the rest of your outfits. A cloth bag is perfect to separate your suitcase between the “to-wear” and the “to-wash” piles. If you decide then to do laundry while traveling, the bag is a much more durable option than a plastic bag.

2) Facial tissues
There are endless cases when facial tissues come in handy. From spilling your pina colada on your lap, to finding out the bathroom in Eastern Europe is out of toilet paper, to developing a cold in snowy Scandinavia, facial tissues are an overlooked item that can be a lifesaver in an unexpected situation.

3) Wet wipes
Similar to facial tissues, wet wipes are easily overlooked, but something all travelers should bring. You never know when you will use a bathroom that is out of soap, or sit down to a meal only to realize you’ve been touching all sorts of germ ridden surfaces while touring. Wet wipes are a small way to combat the plethora of new germs your hands come into contact with abroad.

4) Airborne
One down side to traveling is that you are coming into contact with new germs and potential viruses. Sitting in close quarters to others on a plane or train, eating food your gut isn’t accustomed to, and breathing in air that potentially has more toxins than your body is used to can all take a toll on your immune system. The last thing someone wants is to spend their vacation bedridden or hunched over a toilet. Have Airborne, or any other immune boosting tablet, before leaving on your trip, and pack the rest of the tablets to have during your first few days of travel. It’s a small, but effective step to ensure you can fully enjoy your travels.

5) A small pillow
One might argue that pillows take up space, but a small pillow is something you will not regret making room for. For overnight trains, long bus rides, flights, or uncomfortable hotel beds, a small pillow can prevent neck or back pain that can interfere with your travel experience. It’s hard to enjoy yourself when your neck is strained from hours of sleeping in an uncomfortable position.

The above items are small, but their potential to improve your vacation, or prevent uncomfortable situations, is huge. Next time you are packing for your next adventure, make sure to add these things to your luggage.