It’s been a while since I’ve been anywhere interesting and I’ve been itching to get out of the house and explore somewhere new. It’s not always possible to just hop on a plane and fly to a different country, so I’ve been trying to discover the beautiful places hidden at home. I stumbled across this beautiful garden in the corner of Manchester last Sunday and I was in awe of this beautiful place. The seasons are currently transitioning between winter and spring and the park was budding with new life. With the glorious sunshine, and downpour of rain, it’s difficult not to get excited about spring.
Coming to this park has made me realise that the adventure we look for might be right under our own noses. We plan and dream of going to new and exciting countries, but we might be missing out on the splendour and delight we could be experiencing in our very present locations. I hope to explore more treasures hidden away at home.