I believe there are two types of people in our lives; apart from our relatives and the people we do not get to choose to spend time with. The first type is the people you can casually hang out with; you may have nice talks with them and everything but there is not really much to it. The second type are the kind of people whom you truthfully enjoy having around. These people make even the simplest lunch quite amusing.
Being honest, I’m not one to be keen on traveling with friends. I’ve always thought you can be really close to someone and not necessarily want them around 24/7. Us people we tend to have habits that may not appeal to everyone. These habits may make things uncomfortable and even conflicting. But within this second type there is people that make traveling even more delightful.
I recently found (or more like noticed) who these people were in my life. A small group; some are really old friends and some are relatively new. I know that, if anything, these are the kind of people that will make every adventure pleasing.
These people have been teaching me a lesson: surround yourself with the right people and every day will be an incredible experience. These are the kind of people that make backpacking significantly more satisfying than it already is. They can make you laugh when you are worried about missing a train and turn getting lost in the middle of an enormous city into something quite entertaining.
It is good for us to create bonds with the people we know will get us going. Everyone needs that small nudge to get out of the comfort zone every once in a while. Us humans we often crave reassurance and aid; it’s part of our nature and that’s what these people are around us for: to remind us there is a lot more waiting for us out there.
I plan to spend a lot more time with these type of people: maybe go on a road trip without a final destination and jump from town to town around the country. Maybe get lost in the beauty of an island nearby. I don’t know, I’m not sure, but what’s the fun in always being in controlled environments anyway? And this is a way to extend the invitation to you: not only to find your people but also to be that person who gives the essential nudge to others because there’s only so many days in a lifetime.