Stargazing 101: Gemini, the Twins

It’s exciting to see many of these stories start to intertwine! The Gemini brothers, as I mention later on, have been involved in many adventures throughout Greek mythology. They rescued their sister, Helen of Troy, the first time she was abducted (a separate abduction from the Trojan War). I’m also really enjoying these cover images by Sidney Hall.

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The Mythology

You may recall Leda, who was seduced by Cygnus the Swan (Zeus). She was impregnated by the swan and also by her husband, making half of her spawn mortal and half demigods.

She had four children by the two men, Helen of Troy, Pollux, Castor and Clytemnestra. Helen and her brother Pollux were the children of Zeus, thus immortal, and Castor and Clytemnestra were born from their mortal father, King Tyndareus. As the children grew up together, Castor and Pollux grew very close. They became inseparable and had many adventures together, some of which intertwine with various tales throughout Greek Mythology. They rode upon the ship, Carina, with the Argonauts in the story of the Golden Fleece.

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It is said that the Gemini brothers were involved in a family feud with their cousins over two women whom Caster and Pollux had kidnapped. The two women, the wives of their cousins, became pregnant and made their new home with Castor and Pollux. One evening, at a family dinner, a brawl ensued between the cousins and the Gemini brothers that inevitably left Caster dead. At this same time, a guest of the family dinner, Paris of Troy, had taken it upon himself to kidnap Helen.

Not only did the events that evening separate the Gemini brothers, but it also set into motion the events that lead to the Trojan War. Pollux was devastated at the loss of his brother, so he asked Zeus to take his life as well. He desperately wanted to be with his brother, whether it be in life or in death. Zeus placed the brothers among the stars so they would always be together. Some stories say that Poseidon, a fan of the brothers, gave them the ability save shipwrecked sailors, and the quickly became known as the patron saints of sailors.

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The Facts

This constellation contains four stars with known planets, and can be seen in the northern hemisphere. It was given the name in homage of the twin brothers, “Gemini” meaning “twin” in Latin. The two stars that represent the heads of the twins are recognized as two of the brightest stars in the night sky. The Medusa Nebula can also be found in the Gemini constellation.

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