Why Has the Number of Shark Attacks Risen on the East Coast?

Previously, it wasn’t often that you would hear about shark attacks happening on the East Coast. The annual average of attacks in the area is 6, so understandably people are worried that the number has risen to 11 in only the past few months. You can be sure that you won’t see me on that coast for a while, however, I have a friend who’s family is stationed there, and the concern for their child’s safety on the beach is growing with each attack (understandably so).

Recent Shark Attacks

There have been various attacks this summer on the coast of the Carolinas. In less than a month, the news had reported a total of 8 attacks. The most recent attack was along the North Carolina coastline and involved a Camp Lejeune Marine. Shark experts warn people that typically, sharks are just curious creatures. Many surfers meet them while out on the water and live to attest to that fact of their curiosity. However, that doesn’t seem to be the case lately.

Why Has the Number of Shark Attacks Risen on the East Coast? - Clapway

Why Are These Shark Attacks Happening?

Different theories have surfaced in attempts to explain why there are so many more shark attacks this year. Various media outlets are covering these incidents, hoping to bring awareness to the fact that these waters may not be too safe at the moment.

Unfortunately, scientists don’t have a definite answer as to why the number of attacks has risen. They are researching various reasons as to why the marine life might be more prevalent in the area lately. Could it be that there are just more people in the water? These two states have apparently grown in popularity for tourists, not to mention the bases of military personnel stationed there with their families.

It makes sense that there would be more exposure to attacks if there are more people in the water. The species of sharks believed to be attacking people are still unknown, creating another obstacle in finding out the cause of the rise of attacks.

Why Has the Number of Shark Attacks Risen on the East Coast? - Clapway

Another possible scenario is that the sharks are being drawn closer to the coastline due to shark fishing, which is still legal in the area. Fishermen are throwing bait and chum into the water to attract the animals, allowing them to get closer to more populated areas. A personal theory is that because we have a multitude of media covering every topic out there currently and the coastlines might not actually experiencing more activity but we are just able to report more on a grander scale a of late.

NPR interviewed George Burgess, from the International Shark Attack File associated with the Florida Museum of Natural History, asking him what he thought the cause could be. It seems that this expert thinks it has more to do with oceanographic factors, such as the water heating up and becoming increasingly salty in areas where that is not normally the case.

What You Can Do to Keep Yourself Safe

The most important thing you can do to keep yourself safe this summer in the water is to know and be aware of your surroundings. If you see people fishing in an area, steer clear of it.

According to Shark Expert Larry Cahoon, sharks hear very well and know the sound of a struggling fish on a line. He also advises that you never swim alone. Many shark attack survivors were lucky because they had immediate aid from people close by.

Whatever the reason in the influx of shark attacks, I think it’s safe to say that the shores will probably see much less traffic this summer. Hopefully scientists and researchers will be able to give us an answer to the cause in the rise of attacks soon, otherwise the Carolinas might suffer economically without the appeal to tourists they usually have.

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