According to the results of a new study, erectile dysfunction can be a predictor of undiagnosed diabetes. Previous studies showed that erectile dysfunction might be an early sign of cardiovascular disease. However, researchers confirmed that there can be a connection between erectile dysfunction and undiagnosed hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, as well as diabetes.
Erectile Dysfunction Hides Serious Problems
Many people feel uncomfortable when talking to their doctor about their sex life. However, men should take the problems they have in the bedroom very serious since those can be signs for another health problem.
The Connection between Impotence and Blood Sugar
The results were the product of gathering information from over 4,500 men from the United States, all above 20 years of age between the years 2001 and 2004. The reason for this study was to find a connection between impotence and blood pressure, cholesterol, as well as blood sugar. The researchers did not find anything to link having trouble achieving or keeping an erection to undiagnosed high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
However, in accordance with the results, 11.5% of the men who had undiagnosed diabetes had confirmed the existence of erectile dysfunction problems. In addition to that, the rate lifted even higher for men between the ages of 40 to 59 years old, since 19% showed unnaturally high blood sugar.
1 in 3 People Might Be Diagnosed with Diabetes
All men–but especially those who are middle-aged–have to be aware that there is a possibility to have diabetes type 2 even without having been diagnosed. This is why researchers suggest that doctors should get–not only screenings–but also the sexual histories of middle-aged men.
Unfortunately, diabetes is a serious disease, and it seems that the rate of patients with confirmed cases of diabetes is growing extremely rapid. The fact that the number of patients with this problem has doubled since 2000 is raising concerns among doctors. They believe that at this rate, 1 in 3 people might be diagnosed with diabetes by 2020.
This is the why men who encounter erectile dysfunction must get tested as soon as possible. This is the only way to catch the disease early.
The report was recently published in The Annals of Family Medicine.
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