You Can Turn Your Phone into a 3D Scanner

Scanner - Clapway
Eora 3D

A team from Sydney, Australia, has developed a highly precise and affordable 3D scanner powered directly from your smartphone. Eora 3D is precise to the sub-100 microns, and works with Android and iOS.

Scanner - Clapway
eora 3D

Eora 3D has an 8 million vertices resolution and can capture 1 square meter from a meter’s distance, replicating it precisely directly from your pocket-sized phone. The 3D scannerĀ uses a green laser with a 520 nn wavelength and a glass lens with anti-reflection coating to capture the item to be scanned. The Eora 3D has a turntable companion which, while not necessary, helps to better capture the subject to be scanned. It can connect to the Eora 3D wirelessly via Bluetooth.

The Eora 3D scanner comes with an easy to use app that is free for purchase at the Google Play and Apple Stores, and it allows users to view, edit and export their 3D models. A 3D Hubs feature allows users to share their work with others. The scanner is compatible with Shapeways and Sketchfab.