Pre-Black Friday Deals: Staples to Slash iPad Air 2 Price

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The holiday season has indeed begun and another deal has struck. According to Staples, they are going to be selling the iPad Air 2 with a discount. Staples announced that they are going to have the Apple iPad Air 2 on sale from now until November 7th.


The month of November is always a prime month for retail companies looking to give their customers awesome deals because the holiday season officially begins. Staples is aware of this and they have slashed the price of the iPad Air 2. Staples has announced that they are going to sell the iPad Air 2, either 64 GB or 128 GB, at 20 percent off of its original price. So the 64 GB iPad Air 2, which was originally $599, will now be only $479 and the 128 GB iPad Air 2, which was originally $699, will now only be $559. To put how good this deal is in perspective, a new 16 GB iPad Air 2 is retailed at $499. This is a tremendous deal for anyone looking for a new tablet this holiday season, but as Staples announced this deal will only last until November 7th so there is no time to waste. Staples is also reportedly offering this deal on their website so the iPad Air 2 can be purchased for sale online as well.


This will only be the start on what should be an absolutely crazy season for people looking for great deals. This is also a special deal that is taking place before Black Friday. The closer that we get to Black Friday, the more and more deals there will be and customers around the world will need to be alert. If the deals are anything like this one then this holiday season is going to be a great one for shoppers around the world. It is amazing to think that the deals seem to come quicker and quicker every year as it seems technology, in specific, keeps getting more popular. Of course other deals will be present, but technology deals seem to always be the best. Staples has decided to give their customers a pre-Black Friday deal for the iPad Air 2 and there is no doubt that it should be jumped all over.