Google Self Driving Car Doesn’t Mess with Kids

The Google self driving car project is going really well, but some say it’s a bit too cautious. Google has expressed that the Google self-driving car should be ready to break immediately and efficiently in the presence or vicinity of children. Throughout this past Halloween, Google asked a few kids to volunteer to be studied by the smart car, so that the vehicle will know when to stop. Google wants their cars to know exactly how unpredictable children’s movements are, and how to work around them so they never get hurt.

24. Kids - CLapway

The only accidents that the Google self driving car has been involved with have been at the hands and fault of human drivers unfortunate enough to find themselves in that situation, and Google is making sure that it will be the only instance when passengers may face danger. This shows just how far the project has gone, and also that Google’s inventions learn not by code input, but by experience.

The project will head in exciting directions for the future, and with this step the company will be held less liable for accidents in the future. It’s in everyone’s best interest that Google takes these kinds of measures and makes the Google self driving car experience and solve problems like these first hand.