Policy Analyst: Best Job Ever

Policy Analyst - Clapway

According to Catherine Ball, becoming a science policy analyst can bring the highest satisfaction out of any job. Ball, who formerly worked academia, shares that being stuck in a lab without being sure of if the studies were moving forward or backwards proved to be extremely frustrating, so she sought for a different route.

Policy Analyst - Clapway

Her transition, she shares, was about learning and understanding the policy analyst landscape. Science communication is the best skill to have when working as a science policy analyst, as well as management and organization skills.

Ball Found Out About Policy Analyst Careers through Social Media

Thanks to Twitter, Ball was able to discover the science policy analyst careers. By connecting with others involved and major organizations, Ball received the best possible and most realistic perception about the career.

She Works on Things like Genetically Modified Bugs

The world of the science policy analyst is fascinating, according to Ball. It’s all about things that can have really large implications on public health, agriculture and the future of both industries, and mixes pure science with the society and forces them to communicate.

Her Advice to Anyone Seeking to Be a Science Policy Analyst:

The career is not set in stone. Every person will work differently and towards a different goal, but the satisfaction that this job gives is insurmountable.