Just Cause 3 is A Bunch of Foreigners

Just Cause 3
Just Cause 3

Just Cause 3 is coming out in three weeks, and Avalanche has revealed that there will be no multiplayer mode available. Just Cause 2 had a very well loved multiplayer mode, but it seems that the developers were looking for a better single player story in Just Cause 3 than a grander multiplayer mode, at least for now.

Just Cause 3
Just Cause 3

Just Cause 3 is Still ‘Weighing out the Options’

Game Director Ronald Lesterlin revealed that they did consider multiplayer mode for Just Cause 3, since it was so popular in Just Cause 2, but they decided that the single player story was more important.

The trailer for Just Cause 3, which looks like something out of a Bollywood movie, reveals Rico Rodriguez free falling. The story is set to be seen in his fictional home country, which lies off of the Mediterranean coast and is under control of a dictator.

Developers: ‘We Talked About Multiplayer Mode A Lot’

Because players have recently shown most of their passion for gaming in their gameplay videos shared online, the Just Cause 3 development team felt the main priority lay in making to original story line the best it can be to give players more moments to share with the community, with updated physics and player mechanics.

With things like PS4 Share, Steam and Xbox Upload, players get a direct outlet to share their exploits, and the team believed it was best if they started off with a great single player storyline and then develop a multiplayer mode in an upcoming update.

Just Cause 3
Just Cause 3

Just Cause 3 Out December 1

Just Cause 3 will be available for PS4, Xbox One and PC on December 1, and Erico Rodriguez is set to wreak havoc in the four corners of the Mediterranean when the game rolls out.
