LSD has caused mental instability in many people since the 1970s, and a closer look at the symptoms tells the scientific community how to be high on the drug without taking it. Turns out a lot of the effects of LSD are also symptoms of psychosis.
The Connection Between These Drugs and Psychosis
LSD makes the connectivity between brain networks slower and harder. In fact, a close look at how LSD impacts blood flow and causes changes in brain activity through MEG and fMRI scans revealed that there are quite a few links between LSD effects on the body and the early stages of psychosis. Neurons lose synchronicity in both conditions.
LSD, Magic Mushrooms Users and Psychosis Patients Experience Hallucinations
The drugs and psychosis cause distortions in the brain, and this is caused by reduced blood flow to the visual cortex in the back of the brain. New research also revealed reduced alpha brain waves. This is likely what causes visual hallucinations for drug users and people with psychosis.
This link is strange and alarming. It turns out that there are a lot of similarities between using this drug, Magic Mushrooms, and psychosis. It’s likely that thanks to this new data, LSD will be studied more closely to understand the relationship between the compounds of the drug and brain conditions of people living with psychosis.
Can These Drugs Be Used to Treat Addiction and Depression?
The world has a lot more knowledge of hallucinogenic drugs than they did 50 or 60 years ago. It’s possible that LSD starts being used as a treatment for addiction and treatment-resistant depression, and it could even be used to treat psychosis.
How to Experience an LSD High: Give Yourself a Stroke or HIV
According to this research, giving yourself a stroke will likely give you psychosis. That’s basically being on an LSD high constantly, except in a much more negative note. In fact, too much use of drugs like LSD and mushrooms can cause the brain to be stuck in the effects of being high. The leading causes of psychosis include brain tumors, brain diseases, dementia, epilepsy and HIV. Symptoms include false thoughts, suicidal thoughts hallucinations, and withdrawal from loved ones.
Psychosis is a very stigmatized disease. Further research will give the medical and scientific community more light in regards to these drugs and this illness.
Millions of Americans Are Currently Affected By Mental Illness
The fact that LSD is being used in micro doses in places like Silicon Valley is dangerous. There is not enough information on the long-term effects of this kind of habit to mark it as safe. Though the fact that drugs can give some degree of enlightenment to users can’t be ruled out, there are other risks that need to be examined.
The World Health Organization declared that depression will be the second-leading cause of death by 2020, and it’s possible that the leading cause will also be related to mental illness. This is the perfect time for research to be made, and the perfect time for it to make some breakthroughs. Treatments for mental illness need to be improved.
Often times these treatments involve narcotics and other addictive drugs, which doesn’t help patients in the long run. The medical community will hopefully be using their resources to find how to use drugs like LSD and magic mushrooms to be of help to people, but also developing a way to fight potential addiction. Until then, LSD usage is still not as high as it was in the 1970s, but that doesn’t mean its popularity has gotten any lower. The same can be said for magic mushrooms.
Read: LSD is Way Healthier Than Medical Marijuana