New Tech Inspires A Greener Google, Apple and Microsoft

New Tech Inspires A Greener Google, Apple and Microsoft Clapway

A new project out of Toronto is looking to redesign the way people use energy, and will make Apple, Google and Microsoft a lot greener. Using greener energy means greener and smarter applications and systems. EKOOR is the kind of project that will be the foundation for this kind of future.

New Tech Clapway

EKOOR Brings Innovation to Apple iBeacon and Google Eddystone

EKOOR works on the OPEN Beacon platform. It is solar powered and never needs a battery replacement. The Beacon has super-efficient photovoltaic cells that never need to be replaced. The EKOOR Solar Proximity Beacons are compatible with Bluetooth low energy devices, also known as BLE. These are powered by indoor light or solar and have backup batteries just in case.

Battery Powered Beacons are perfectly functional for one or two years. EKOOR Beacons can last a lifetime. Not only that but they are also compatible with Apple iBeacon and Google Eddystone. The EKOOR can be configured to transmit either packet or even a mixture of both, making both Google and Apple just that much greener.

Intelligence for A Cleaner World

This device uses an intelligent power algorithm to adjust ad intervals automatically and in accordance with lighting conditions. They eliminate the need for Beacon maintenance and other costs so the Beacon can power itself for over 10 years. And that would be with its default settings.

EKOOR Beacons Could Tickle Google, Microsoft and Apple’s Fancy

EKOOR is perfectly accessible to administrators and developers. They can go around making demo apps and mix up new configurations to create whole new things and make the world a cleaner, greener place. EKOOR Beacons can be purchased with Apple iBeacon or Google Eddystone already installed. The beacons are supported by all IOSTM devices that can support Bluetooth low energy. This includes devices like the iPhone 4S and higher, the 3rd Gen iPad and higher, and any Android Device that supports BLE and also supports AndroidTM 4.4 and higher.

The world is thirsty for cleaner ways to run, and this is definitely a step in the right direction. This project will reach great heights, and could even start an official partnership with Google, Microsoft or Apple in the future.