Top 4 Assassins Creed Secrets on Xbox and PS4 You haven’t Heard of

Top 4 Assassins Creed Secrets on Xbox and PS4 You haven't Heard of Clapway

Even though Assassins Creed, on the Xbox and PS4, is one of the most recognizable gaming franchises of all-time, there are secrets that your were probably unaware of them. Don’t fret, though, my friends because soon you will know.

Top 4 Assassins Creed Secrets on Xbox and PS4 You haven't Heard of Clapway


In Assassins Creed Revelations, there was a saying that was referencing a very historical event. When you encounter The Brawler, one of the memories, the citizen will tell you, “Ah… we will call it a draw, alright?” Well, this is a direct reference to Monty Python and The Holy Grail, in which the Black Night calls a draw with King Arthur.


The next secret is in Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag and Xbox and PS4 gamers will notice some supernatural occurrences. When you reach the naval fort at Punta Guarico, you can actually hear strange voices coming from inside the covered well. Good thing it is covered because no one really wants to know what is hiding in there!


Now, we turn to an Assassins Creed game that had a reference to a previous one. In Assassins Creed Chronicles: China, you will notice that the guards will randomly start whistling the soundtrack of Ezio’s Family in the second installment of the series. Re-listen to them whistling and try to deny it does not sound like it. If you do, then you are clearly lying to yourself.


Did the greatest video game character of all time, Mario, find his way into Assassins Creed? This reference can be found when you interact with a certain picture frame in Unity. After you interact with it, you will receive the message “your princess is in another castle”. This is the most infamous line that Toad will constantly tell you in Super Mario Bros. Can we, for the love of everything in the world, ever stop saving Princess Peach?