It seems like a very simple concept, but it is very true. If people feel more equal, then they will not eat as much and they have a decreased chance of becoming fat. However, if they feel a sense of inequality then they have an increased chance of becoming fat. Recent studies have proven this fact, and it makes perfect sense when you think about it. Food is a way out for most people, and higher stress levels are going to lead to overeating.
It is common knowledge that the more unequal a person feels, the more that person is going to become stressed and depressed. That is a well-known statement, but studies have proven that this can then lead to people getting fat. A study that was published in the journal Appetite showed the connection between overeating and high anxiety levels. A research team, led by Steve Loughnan of the University of Edinburgh and Boyka Bratanova of the University of St. Andrews, noted that we as humans are identical to animals. This is in reference to the fact that we both react the same to harsh environments. What happens is both humans and animals will react to these situations by consuming food.
One of the studies taken, a Scottish study, featured two different experiments. In one of them, 54 people had to write about how they identified with people living in financial scarcity, or inequality. After they did this, they were provided with both cookies and crackers to eat while watching a couple of videos. When those people were primed to feel poor, they ate 54 percent more calories worth of the snacks. The researchers then concluded that the people who felt poor increased their calorie consumption. This can be better wrapped up by saying if people feel poor, then they have a better chance to become fat.