2 Proofs Why Medical Marijuana Makes You Stupid, but Happy

2 Proofs Why Medical Marijuana Makes You Stupid, but Happy Clapway

Ever since its legalization, it feels like people can’t stop talking about marijuana. You will get the people that fully support it, and you will also see people who completely disapprove of it. Either way you look at it is fine, but you should be aware that it can make you both stupid and happy. Actually, to be honest, you were probably already aware of this, but it is still something that is worth noting.

2 Proofs Why Medical Marijuana Makes You Stupid, but Happy Clapway


There was a study that was published by JAMA Internal Medicine, and it showed just how stupid marijuana can make people. In this study, 5,000 random young adults were monitored over 25 years. These people consisted of 18 to 30-year old’s who were women, men, black people, white people, people with lower education, and people with higher education. The study did not discriminate, and by the end of the 25 years, there was still 3,400 participants. During this time, their cognitive functions were measured using standard tests of memory, speed, and function. At the end of the study, the researchers came to the conclusion that current marijuana use was associated with poorer memory, speed, and all three cognitive functions.


Not too long ago, Dr. Sanjay Gupta changed his views on marijuana. In the past, he would have nothing to do with it but then he changed his mind. He noted that science is what changed his mind, and then it was further explained why people are happy when using it. The key connection between humans and marijuana is cannabinoids. These are chemical compounds in the drug, and the human body also creates this on-demand. Not only this but human bodies have cannabinoid receptors, and both of these make up the human cannabinoid system. Due to the fact that marijuana is plant-based, the phytocannabinoids fit extremely well into the human cannabinoid receptors.