Developers Made the Artificial Form of Beagle and Yorkshire Terrier

Developers Made the Artificial Form of Beagle and Yorkshire Terrier Clapway

Dogs truly are man’s best friend. They’ll console you when you’re feeling down, stick by your side when you need help and overall, they’re just good companions.  As much as you love your dogs, don’t you wish they did just a little bit more? Sure, let’s say a Beagle can track down that rabbit in your yard or a Yorkshire Terrier can sit on your lap, but can either dog tell you the weather? How about manage your emails? They can’t, but thankfully a new startup has invented a pet that can help in the modern home.

Developers Made the Artificial Form of Beagle and Yorkshire Terrier Clapway


Back in they day, the older generations would rely on animals for companionship. While your grandad’s Beagle surely was adorable, he has nothing on the new robotic family member by Xibot. This affordable and intelligent device can act as a cute and reliable assistant in your home. Whether a robot is cuter than a Yorkshire Terrier or a Beagle is debatable, but it is sure seems more useful. The addition of new technology has made our lives easier, but in addition, it’s harder to manage our work lives in an age where we have more responsibility. Xibot is here to assist you in your hectic lives.


Yorkshire Terriers are notorious for their attention seeking needs, but who’s got the time for all that when there’s a life to run. Take a seat with your Yorkshire Terrier and relax, the Xibot will take care of it. From shopping list, emails, phone calls, and messages, the Xibot acts as your personal assistant. It can’t bring home dinner like a Beagle, but it can look up a recipe, tell you what to wear and even put your kids to sleep.


It will probably be a while before we toss our Beagle and Yorkshire Terrier to the curb, but they’ve got some stiff competition. With a Wi-Fi connected Xi but, you can monitor your house at any time. Keep watch on your kids when they are home alone and catch your dog red handed when it’s eating your shoes. Xibot won’t eat your shoes. It will only help you. If I were a dog, I’d watch my back because a device as capable as this one will surely become  the new family companion.