Top 3 Amazing Technologies that will Give you Brain Power

Top 3 Amazing Technologies that will Give you Brain Power Clapway

Who needs to go to college to develop more brain power?

Well, with these new technologies you will not need to. Do you think that is exaggerating just a little bit? OK, I’ll admit that these technologies will give you more brain power, but will not replace a college education. It sounded cool, though, right?

Top 3 Amazing Technologies that will Give you Brain Power Clapway


First up is what is known as the Super Brain, and it was developed based on Dr. Robert O. Becker’s findings. This is a brain wave learning device and it stimulates the creation of delta, alpha, and theta waves. However, the most unique aspect of this brain power device is that it stimulates using a magnetic headband. There are four modes to this headband, and they are Sleep, Learning, Fatigue Recovery, and Meditation.


Yet another brain power device that helps with stress, concentration, and relaxation is The Mind-Body Harmonizer. On the device’s website, it mentions how college students said it significantly helped them in their school work. The Mind Body Harmonizer will offer a 40hz stimulation, and that is higher than what most AC simulators will offer.


Now, we turn to the most convenient of all, Neurogum. As the name indicates, this is a form of chewing gum that will actually boost your brain power. The ingredients inside this chewing gum are caffeine, L-Theanine, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12. The creators mention how they wanted to make more than just a typical chewing gum that boosts energy, and they wanted to boost the brain power. It took them around two years of hard work and research, but they have succeeded in their vision. Also, this gum is completely free of sugar. So, if you refuse to chew gum with sugar then you can still chew this!